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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Today we didn't go fishing but we did go to Bud's Ice Cream Shop which probably had the best ice cream I've EVER had!!I got mint chip in a waffle cone and it was mouth watering. First we went inside to get the ice cream and the first thing my sister saw was the silly bands. Yes my sister loves silly bands she has like 200!!! She idolizes some girl that has them going up her arms and up her legs that goes to her school.

The ice cream wasn't the only thing amazing. The inside of Bud's was first of all packed with people buying smoothies and also buying merchandise that was lined up on the wall. They had everything! They had notebooks,necklaces,keycaps,and a bunch of other gadgets and gizmos.

After that we went back to Grandpa's house were he was making fish! Grandpa's fish are amazing and also my mom caught a 15 inch bass which was so good! It was nice and thick and juicy!!!MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmm.....................!!!

and that is it !!

check Bud's ice cream out @  

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Frog Blender

Today I didn't do much really except fishing but I did listen to some of sleep talk'n man's blog and I played the Frog Blender Game. I hope you guys enjoy it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My Trip 2 City Mac

Today I' am in Traverse City, Michigan on vacation. Today we visted the City Mac Apple store because my mom wanted to get a car charger for the iPod Touch. There was Apple products lined up on the wall. Even the bathroom  looked like it was designed by Apple. There was also a meeting room with a big projecter showing every single app flash through a big square of them.

The only Apple product that wasn't there was the iPhone and that was probably because Apple again picked ATandT for the iPhone 4 and the service sucks!! But it was awesome to look at all the cool stuff like the iMac. My dad has a MacBookPro but he REALLY dosne't like me touching it. The iPad was BEAST!!! Even though i sucked at RealRacersHD. I didnt even go past the starting line.

Then we went out for fishing which was pretty fun. I mean we didn't catch much fish was still pretty fun. Now we're having some ham and hashbrown cassorle potatoes. DELICOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!